Achieving Meaningful Use Stage 2

Will your Healthcare facility be penalized this year for not achieving Meaningful Use Stage 2?

Starting in 2015, all eligible health providers such as Rural and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) that have not attested to MU2 will be hit with a 1 percent penalty on their Medicare reimbursement. The penalties will increase to 2 percent in 2016 and 3 percent in 2017.

FreedomPACS, a provider of a medical picture archiving and communication system (PACS), will help your healthcare facility achieve MU2. FreedomPACS PACS cloud will enable your Radiologists to securely receive electronic orders for any diagnostic test and to make those reports available to patients within 24 hours.

Did you know?
A study published in the Journal of Rural Health finds that rural hospitals lag behind urban institutions in nearly every measure of meaningful use; and the differences are particularly large and significant for CAHs.

  • Only 4 of the measures examined have been met by a majority of rural hospitals: electronic recording of patient demographics and electronic access to lab reports, radiology reports, and radiology images.
  • 5% of rural hospitals and only 3% of CAHs could demonstrate meaningful use of an electronic health records system as required by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ criteria.

FreedomPACS for Rural and Critical Access Hospitals
FreedomPACS Server or Cloud is 50-60% less than the big box PACS providers.
FreedomPACS Seamlessly integrates with any EHR and legacy system.
FreedomPACS Cloud eliminates hardware costs.
FreedomPACS Robust features, functionality and reliability.